sexta-feira, dezembro 07, 2007

Julian (Júlio) Casablancas

In many ways
they'll miss the good old days
Someday, Someday

Yeah, it hurts to say
but i want you to stay
Sometimes, Sometimes

When we was young
oh, man, did we have fun
always, always

they break before they're made
sometimes, sometimes

oh, my ex says i'm lacking in depth
i will do my best
Are you say you wanna stay by my side
darling, your head's not right
[I see alone we stand, together we fall apart]

Yeah, I think i'll be alright

3 comentários:

Elda Meireles disse...

oh, my ex says i'm lacking in depth
i will do my best
Are you say you wanna stay by my side
darling, your head's not right

[I see alone we stand, together we fall apart]

Esse trecho, principalmente " I see alone we stand, together we fall apart" me lembra muito tanta coisa. Mas me lembra mais despedida. A minha.


Anônimo disse...

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